Studies and Trends in Web-based Pedagogy

Auden, W. H. (1907-1973)

Thou shalt not answer questionnaires
Or quizzes upon world affairs,
Nor with compliance Take any test.
Thou shalt not sit with statisticians nor commit
A social science.

"Under which lyre"

  1. 1997 - OSU Survey of West Coast Colleges and Universities. Results.
  2. 1996 - SCALE (Sloan Center for Asynchronous Learning) Evaluation Results.
  3. 1997 - The Campus Computing Project (Kenneth Green)
  4. 1997 - Distance Education in Higher Education Institutions (NCES 98 -062) Local PDF Version
  5. 1998 - Internet Access in Public Schools (NCES 98-031) Local PDF Version
  6. 1998 - The TeleCampus Online Course Database (Beta version)

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