
Presentation & Publication Pages. This Web site is designed to be used for an on-site presentation but may also be used as an on-line publication. The presentation is broken into major sections, and each section comes with a set of annotations. The pages in the presentation contain bullet points, links, and jokes. The annotation pages are primarily text. The icon in a presentation page is a link to the appropriate place in the annotation. The icon ../Library/link%20to%20presentation%20pagesin an annotation page takes you to the appropriate place in the presentation.

Accessibility: In the interest of accessibility, we have avoided frames, but we do not claim that this site is completely accessible. For guidelines, see accessibility guidelines on the W3C Web site.

Navigation: A site navigation aid appears below the "previous" and "next" links on each page.

Webliography. All the links used in this presentation are collected and organized in the webliography.

Home | Topics | Introduction | History | Studies | Assessment | Communication
Interactivity | Design  |  Management | What's New?  | Webliography


© 1998, Robby Robson, All Rights Reserved. Contact: for information and permission requests.