Pedagogical Features - Classroom Practices
Epistemology Information in lecture format. Discovery Learning.
Philosophy of Teaching Drill-and-practice with validation through quizzes, tests. Project-based learning
Underlying Psychology Reinforcement through feedback with judgments of accuracy. Concept mapping. Adaptive testing.
Goal Orientation Comprehensive exams. Skill-based objectives measured by performance on specific tasks. Process-based objectives measured via worksamples. Discovery learning.
Experiential Validity Hands-on learning. Presentation/explanations/discussions.
Role of the Teacher Teacher "lectures". Web site or text offers answers to odd-numbered problems. Teacher "coaches". Questions are met with hints. Communication media used for by teacher for discussion.
Latitude Afforded to the Teacher Syllabus dictated by department or course leader. Web pages are not editable. Professor can teach what she thinks is best. Web pages have "overlay" or "add-on" layers.
Value of Errors Polished presentation. Emphasis on correct calculations. Trial and error learning. Repetitive tries not punished. Credit for effort and methodology, not answer.
Theory of Motivation Emphasis on applications and importance. Students assumed to be interested. Emphasis on internal consistency and results.
Accommodation of Individual Differences Common background and abilities assumed. One path through material. Class all does same examples. Material attempts to accommodate varied backgrounds. Multiple paths through material. Examples catered to student interest.
Learner Control Teacher sets syllabus, timing, etc.. Web site allows many user choices with regard to the order and nature of content. Adaptive pages.
Role of Cooperative Learning Work done by groups or with help is not considered valid. Cooperative learning encouraged by group work. Asynchronous communication used for cooperative learning.
Primary User Activity Texts, lectures, Web present material in non-interactive fashion. Enrichment is accomplished through references. Highly interactive use of media. Students generate work which becomes part of the class.
Role of Cultural Sensitivity Material assumes common cultural background or views itself as culturally independent. Teacher/instructional material considers how cultural differences might effect motivation, understanding, etc..
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Last Modified: 11/27/2024 23:32:21