Pedagogical Features - Theoretical Viewpoint
Epistemology Objectivism vs. Constructivism
Philosophy of Teaching Instructivist vs. Constructivist
Underlying Psychology Behavioral vs. Cognitive
Goal Orientation Concrete vs. Open Ended
Experiential Validity Hands-on vs. Abstract Knowledge
Role of the Teacher Didactic vs. Facilitative
Latitude Afforded to the Teacher Teacher-proof vs. Easily Modifiable
Value of Errors Errorless Learning vs. Learning from Experience
Theory of Motivation Extrinsic vs. Intrinsic
Accommodation of Individual Differences Unary vs. Multi-faceted
Learner Control No control vs. Unrestricted control
Role of Cooperative Learning No Role vs. Integral
Primary User Activity Access Representations of Knowledge vs. Generate Representations of Knowledge.
Role of Cultural Sensitivity Unimportant vs. Integral

Taken from: Tom Reeves, Evaluating What Really Matters in Computer-based Education.

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