Ed-Media Workshop 10: Course Instructions

Before you start the demonstration course, there are a few things you should know and think about. After you have read this page, you can


or (as many students do) bypass the login page and go directly to the course index page,

Using These Pages Effectively Browser Issues Email & HyperNews Workshop Presentation

If you have not registered for this course (obtained a student ID), please go to the workshop cover page or directly to the COURSE REGISTRATION PAGE. The alternative is to use the generic student ID "edmedia" with password "edmedia".

Using These Pages Effectively

Be a student. To get the most out of this course, it is recommended that you go through the student part of the course first and that you do so playing the role of the student as best you can. Convince yourself that your grade or some valuable credit depends on it! Take the time to do the interactive exercises and quizzes. Make a note of what worked for you and didn't work for you and, if you can, share it with the class via the class mailing list.

The Conditional Link. There are two "conditional links" in the demonstration course. These illustrate the adaptive potential of web courses. The first is in the student part. The page "in the limit" will not be loaded until you have taken the recorded quiz for the course. Try it before and after! The second one is in the second part of the course and is explained there. It shows how to sort the class into interest groups at the beginning of a course.

The Second Half. The "Explore QuestWriter" portion of the course is less structured, but the instructions should suffice to take you through many of the features. Go ahead and author a quiz, play with the gradebook, and so on. Just remember that you should not mess with the original material or with other participant's work (unless you know them and have permission.)


Email and HyperNews.

Go to the HyperNews page.
The first thing you are supposed to do is to introduce yourself to the rest of the class via HyperNews. This is what we have our real on-line classes do, and it works very well. Feel free to respond to HyperNews postings and to play with the system. It is not the most sophisticated system, but it works and is in the public domain.

When you registered for the course, you were signed up for the course mailing list. To post mail to the mailing list, just send a message to


Note that this will get sent to everyone in the class. If you want to remove yourself from the list, send the following message. The lack of a "Subject" is intentional:

          To: majordomo@iq.orst.edu
          unsubscribe edmedia <email address>

Where <email address> is the email address you gave at registration. If you would like to see who is on the list, send the same message replacing the command unsubscribe edmedia <email address> with the command who edmedia. You can also send a message with the single word help in the body to get more information. Note that the address for commands is majordomo@iq.orst.edu whereas mail to the list goes to the "user" edmedia@iq.orst.edu.


Browser Issues

Javascript: This course uses Javascript in its pages. It also uses background colors in tables, but the Javascript issue is crucial. We highly recommend that you use Netscape Navigator 3.X, Netscape Communicator (4.x), or Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.X [or higher]. We have not tried this site on Internet Explorer 3.X, so there might be some Javascript incompatibilities.

"Kiosk" Mode: To create more space on your screen, we recommend that you turn off the Toolbar, Location, and Directory Buttons at the top of your browser. This can be done using the OPTIONS menu in the recommended browsers.


© 1997,1998 Robby Robson, Oregon State University.

Last Modified: 11/27/2024 23:32:21